Cyberagra Provides Modern Software for Agriculture
Being years ahead of the competition is not just our marketing strategy but the most efficient way to optimize and therefore reduce your software costs. We no longer need to spend hours maintaining a system in each computer since users need no other software than a browser. Only one installation at your centralized corporate location is licensed for hundreds of employees. Highly-scalable Web/Intranet versions of our broiler, breeder, hatchery, layer, cattle, and swine data management systems increase performance, reliability and security. At the same time, CyberAgra's redundant server applications are more cost-effective, dependable, and easier to deploy. Our 4th generation modules have been steadily improving through the years starting in 1995 with our Windows® desktop versions and in 1997 with our client-server updates. During 2001 all user interfaces were redesigned as Web active server pages, and finally, in 2004 CyberAgra Application Services™ was ported to the .NET framework and officially verified for Microsoft Windows Server 2003™. In addition to our traditional poultry recordkeeping software, the newest modules in our product line are Production Accounting, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), eCommerce, Sales, Feed Additive Traceability, Processing Plant Cut Optimization, Cattle and Swine Breeding/Grow/Finish software. Read More...